Building Cover

Posted onSep 27th, 2014
Tagsbuiding cover idea defensive defense protection spells
Category:Clash of Clans Tips

A Building Cover is a brand new defensive/protection structure. It can be placed over any structure and provides a cushion to lightning spells, and if another type of spell is dropped in it's area, the area underneath if unaffected. (Ex.- You place it over a Dark Elixir Storage and if someone tried to lightning spell it, the Building Cover would take the damage up until the point where it is destroyed, as where if someone dropped a healing spell on top of it, any troops that go under it will be unaffected by the spell) It would be 3x3 and be available at TH7. As a balancer, The Building Cover is unaffected by air troops and depending on how close/far it is, elevated defenses such as Wizard Towers and Archer Towers can't shoot under it, and Mortars can't shoot at it at all.
