
Level 7.
I do want to tell you all about myself, but I haven't quite found the settings page just yet.
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First LayoutWarriorGraceHeartBase BuilderMega Heart


Joe Hidalgo Jopson


th11 hybrid base
th8 faming base circles
worlds best th8 trophy base
th9 troll base and trophy base
th9 farming base
th5 war base
th8 war base
th7 fish base without barb king trophy base
th9 war base
th10 farming base
th6 war base
th9 farming base
th7 trophy,hybrid and war base
th10 trophy and troll base
th9 fancy curl anti drag and gowipe trophy and war base
th8 hybrid and war base
th10 farming base
th10 farming base
th9 trophy and troll base
th7 farming base
th5 farming base
th5 war base
th6 war base
th10 hybrid base
th10 hybrid base
th7 free storage loot troll and trophy base
4th campaign lvl from sherbet towers goblin map.
th10 hybrid base
th9 trophy and troll base
th8 farming base
th6 trophy and troll base
best th7 trophy layout ever
th10 hybrid base
th7 trophy base
th7 anti dragon war base
th9 arming base
th8 war base
Batman Arkham style base th9
th7 war base
th7 war base
th10 trophy base
Titan league th10 hybrid base
th10 war base
th8 war base
th10 war base
th7 spider farming base
th7 hybrid base
th9 trophy base
th10 farming base
th8 farming menace
th3 hybrid base
th10 war base
th7 star war base
th6 trophy base
th7 war base
Th8 hybrid base
th10 trophy and troll base
Converted Defence
th8 farming base
th5 trophy base
starter base
th10 trophy base
th9 war base troll
th5 hybrid base
th4 trophy base
th5 hybrid base
th10 storage loot troll and trophy
th9 hybrid base
th7 hybrid base
th7 farming and trophy base
th4 hybrid base
th10 hybrid base
skull and crossbones.
th9 trophy base
th9 war base
the queens crest trophy base
th7 hybrid base
th6 trophy base
whirlwind trophy base
th10 troll and trophy base base
th9 farming bse
th9 hybrid base
th8 farming base
th5 trophy base
pattern trophy base
hybrid zag
lined rooker farming base
free loot trophy and troll base
hybrid confuser
my actual th7 hybrid base on clash of clans
Hybrid juggle
wheel hybrid base
The farming Templar sign base
curved farming base
circle to circle hybrid base
The confuser
tornado circlet trophy base
Th7 troll/trophy base
th3 farming base
Non armed ant hybrid base
confused circles base
th7 hybrid burder
The cube troll base
Th5 trophy base
Brabarian king troll base
Spinning trophy
The Hybrid cross
Th10 Dark Elixir rises
pulse shortened hog