New Dark Elixir Troop: Ent

Posted onJul 27th, 2014
Tagsclans, troop, clash, ent, tree, dark
Category:Clash of Clans Tips

So new dark elixir troops are coming soon and a lot of ideas have been passed around as to what new troops should become available. I noticed that it had seen anyone mention Ents, living trees that walk slow but deliver devastating blows. These troops also wouldn't take up any room in your army camps (you can have up to 5) because you can't deploy them wherever you want, it differs from person to person... Attacking a base: If a player hasn't cut down a tree near his base for gems then he risks the tree being used against him. You can choose to use an Ent but can't deploy it anywhere, what happens instead is the trees on the enemy base will slowly come to life and attack, it would be slow in transformation and slow in movement but would delivery a blow twice as powerful as a giant. Particularly vulnerable to inferno towers and hidden teslas ... This would be balanced out by the amount of trees that appear (a lot more trees will appear post update) Defence: If someone donates a tree to your clan castle it would be included I your defence but not take up any numbers as it's outside the building (only aloud 1 Ent) this would then hit multiple troops with sweeps of it's log like branches Side Note: This could also be a future spell, turning all logs, trees, bushes into some kind of troop or trap to use against the enemy
