How to hide your elixer from other players

Posted onJul 1st, 2014
Author vailpro
Category:Clash of Clans Tips

If you have a full army of troops then go into your barracks and train as many wall breakers as you can. Because they cost so much elixer and take up only 2 spaces then it takes a lot of elixer away so when other players attack you they can't take the elixer spent on wall breakers. Before you attack with your army, however, make sure to delete the wall breakers out of your barracks so that you don't have a thousand of them when you're done raiding. ( if you have a barracks with 40 storage and you have level 3 wall breakers you can make 20 wall breakers which is hiding 40,000 elixer!!!! May not be too much but it doesn't hurt to do this tactic anyway. Have fun guys! Keep clashin!
