Cheapest way to get the 3rd builder (Beginners)

Posted onDec 20th, 2014
Author jamesy
Category:Clash of Clans Tips

NOTE: You don't have to reach the 1250 trophies to reach this. Alright, we all know that we didn't had that knowledge to keep or save gems during the first time we played COC. This tip is for the beginners only, like, literally beginners, or first-timers. So, let's begin. When you first play COC, you would have the option to skip the time in building those first things such as collector or whatsoever by using gems. You don't have to waste those gems, just wait 1 minute and you're all done, keep in mind that 1 gem is alot for a beginner, some beginners are used to gemming and they don't know that builders>gems. So, after that, there's alot of trees, right? Make sure you clean them when you have the extra time, as soon as possible, so that newer obstacles will re-sninja. Make sure you get those achievements as well, with rewards such as 100 EXP and 5-10 gems. If you keep on doing this, I'm pretty sure by the time you reach level 20-24 (which is like 2 weeks if you max everything out), you'll get the 3rd builder without reaching the 1250 trophies. The 1250 trophies achievement is for the 4th builder, as well as reaching the Crystal League.
